The Graduates: Bear Lodge Alumni |
We’ve had so much excitement around here that I’ve actually managed to get Mama to sit down and blog about it! Wonders will truly never cease... π
First of all, our Bear Lodge Graduation Certificates and membership badges have arrived from @MunroBear! He’s also sent us some souvenir pictures of our mountaineering adventure, and we’re thrilled to bits with them. We had such a pawesome time, and you can read more about it in a minute.
Climb For Toddy:Your chance
to be a mountaineering bear! |
Before I get to that, though, did you know that you can have a very special mountaineering adventure of your own? Munro is setting up some adventures in honour of @ToddyFur & his valet, Kevin, & you can get to do a virtual climb of the north face of Ben Nevis! All you have to do is make a small donation to the fund to buy a headstone for the much-loved @ToddyFur and his valet Kevin (this particular adventure is for a fundraiser), and provide Munro with pictures as in the Climb For Toddy details given here, and Munro will organize your training! Couldn’t be easier, and I can absolutely promise you’ll enjoy it!
Your carriage awaits: About to leave with
@babymonk13 and @TravelMonk2 for the #OTLFP studios |
Have you ever felt like a real, live Princess? Well, I did on Saturday! @MillieOTLFP and @Pixie_Tooth had very kindly invited me to be a guest on #OTLFP, and Saturday was the big day. It started with a ride in #RosiesLimo, which is always a very special occasion in its own right, and this time involved being first presented with a beautiful tiara by Rosie herself, and then chauffeur-driven to the venue by @TravelMonk2 and @babymonk13!
On parade: Crowds line the route to #OTLFP, with @MillieOTLFP, BSP winner @tiffany_tzu, @AlfieBear13 and @Pixie_Tooth |
It was so exciting being part of such a beautiful parade, with pals along the route waving and cheering! It felt as if all my wildest dreams had come true at once, and it was even better for having so many pawesome pals to share it with.
Floating on a cloud: How it feels to be a Princess for a day! |
It felt as if I was floating on a beautiful soft cloud! You’ve probably heard humans talking about walking on air - well, this is how it feels! When we got to the #OTLFP studios I was called straight away to Fur and Makeup, so there wasn’t time to be nervous, then suddenly Millie was introducing me, and we were live on air!
Poster bear: Still can’t quite believe I’m on this! |
First of all Mille and Pixie asked me some questions, and Tiff, as Backstage Pass winner, got to ask me some questions, too. As pals have been kind enough to ask me for a transcript of the interview, I’m delighted to publish one! It was supposed to go in this post, but I’m having major problems trying to get Blogger to behave itself since someone kindly did an update (!), and after two days’ worth of struggling with text format and uploading pics it’s now decided that this post is long enough! And for some reason it’s just reformatted the entire thing in Bold type - three times... ππππ
So, I’m going to leave it here and do another straight away to update you on the story... soon as Mama’s had a cup of tea and stopped screaming and grabbing handfuls of her fur, that is! See you shortly...