Friday, August 12, 2022

Jumping For Hope

How far would your humans go to help a good cause? I talked to Dennis of @DennisAndDoris1 about that, and was amazed at what he told me! 

First things first, though. Here’s the interview in full.

Dennis and Doris
BJB: Dennis, when you were on #OTLFP you told the wonderful story of how Doris first came to live with you. For those who haven’t heard it yet (and those of us who’d love to hear it again!), could you tell it now? 

DENNIS: So, I was lucky that my family found me in the rescue centre when I was 11 years old. Nearly 4 years ago just before Christmas, me mum was looking at Twitter and saw a Tweet that had been re-tweeted through #OTLFP about an old girl aged 13 who had been left at a rescue centre and was feeling lost. 

Our mum said, "Right Dennis, someone needs us so let's go!". After a quick homecheck and a long drive, I met Doris!! We had a quick sniff and a walk, and then I brought her home. I said, "Don't worry love, you're home now and I'll look after you" and I did. My Doris passed away gently 3 1/2  years later, with a smile on her face and surrounded with love. 

BJB: That’s so beautiful, Dennis! I’m so glad Doris passed so peacefully, but it must have been very sad for you. What happened next? 

DENNIS: Well, after our Doris died, I'm not going to lie, I was a bit lonely. So,off we went to our local North Clwyd Animal Rescue to see if there was another pal who might need my help. Me dad is a volunteer there and we go there a lot, so they know what a gentle chap I am. So they said they had a five year old nervous girl who could do with some company, and learning that life isn't scary. So we met in the field, we said hello, and I brought her back home. Oh, she's given me a spring in my step, and I've been introducing her to my pals! It's great to have some company again.

BJB: I bet it is! Rosie looks like a lovely addition to the family (and the #CheerTeam!), and I bet she’s very grateful for you looking after her! 

Your humans sound like very kind and caring people, and I’ve heard they do a lot of good things to be helpful, too! Can you tell me a bit more about what they get up to? 

Rosie joins the #CheerTeam
DENNIS: So, our humans thing it's important to help whenever they can. Mum says it's about not just thinking about yourself,  and that we should all imagine what it's like to walk in someone else's shoes. So, they try to do at least one charity fundraising thing a year, and have done long walks, a stair climbing challenge, mountain hikes, cake sales, and every year they do as many charity Santa Dashes that they can!! Mad. 

This summer my mum and my boy are going to jump out of a plane!! It's for Hope House Children's Hospice. My mum says that Hospices get a bad deal because they don't get any government funding directly, that's why we all need to help them out. 

BJB: Wow!! That’s amazing — do please tell us more about it!! 

DENNIS: So tomorrow my mum and boy are jumping out a plane to raise funds for Hope House. They've supported this fantastic charity lots of times before. My dad is a blood scientist and sees a lot of children who have leukemia and childhood cancers. They and their  families sometimes need to get help from Hope House, and they are amazing. They help people through terrible times, and are wonderful! We don't know what we'd do without them.

When mum saw they needed people to do this jump she said, I can do that!! So tomorrow at midday her and the boy are going up, up, up...  then.....Down, down, down....    crazy!! 

BJB: Oh, Dennis, that’s fantastic!! Do you have the link to their donation page, please? 

DENNIS: Yes — it’s right here

BJB: What a wonderful thing to do — I hope you’ll talk to me again afterwards, and tell me how it went! 

DENNIS: I will. 

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

A Show For Millie

There have been many tears shed in the anipal and stuffie communities since our much-loved @MillieOTLFP went to the Rainbow Bridge. As you probably know, Millie and her bestie @PixieTooth are the hosts of the regular Saturday show #OTLFP. As well as being top-quality entertainment, the show has a regular adoption slot, featuring an anipal in need of a new home. It works, too! 

Millie and Pixie are great hosts, and totally professional. I’ve had the great privilege of appearing on the show twice, once as the Backstage Pass Winner and then later as a guest, and I can vouch for how well-organized they are, and how good at making nervous guests feel quite at home! 

It was a great relief to all of us to hear that Millie will continue to tweet from her place at the Bridge. Saturday nights just wouldn’t be the same without her! This coming Saturday, August 28, there’s going to be a very special show to pay tribute to her and to celebrate her life. I’m sure there’ll be a few tears (we have tissues at the ready!), but it’s intended to be a joyful occasion in honour of all the fun and laughter Millie’s given us, and all the good work she’s done for anipals in need. 

Please do come along and join in the fun at 9pm UK time - that’s 4pm Eastern Time, 3pm Central Time, 2pm Mountain Time and 1pm Pacific Time (all USA). I promise you’ll enjoy it! 

Saturday, March 6, 2021

The Alfie Alfie Show

BRENDA: No, You aren't seeing double - tonight at #OTLFP it's really going to be the Alfie Alfie Show! Seeing it's his big night, I'm going to let @AlfieBear13 tell you all about it - though I'm going to be watching very carefully to make sure he doesn't break anything... 

ALFIE: Girl-bears - what are they like?? 

Seriously, though, I'm really excited and looking forward to #OTLFP tonight, because not only is it always a great show, but I'm the BackStage Pass winner for tonight, which means that not only to I get a look around backstage at the best anipal show on Twitter (or probably anywhere else, for that matter), but I actually get to appear on it as well, and ask a couple of questions of tonight's star guest, @Alfie_Boy_Dog! (Yes, that's right - TWO Alfies!)   

We've been in rehearsals through the week, which is a great experience in its own right, and I can tell you @MillieOTLFP and @Pixie_Tooth are wonderful hosts who go out of their way to make you feel comfortable and confident with what you're doing. 

@Alfie_Boy_Dog is great character and a lot of fun to hang out with, and I know he's going to have some terrific answers to all the questions he's going to be asked! 

I think you're going to like our Mystery Mention, too (can't tell you who it is yet, as it's a closely-guarded secret till the official announcement on the show itself), and I'm sure you're going to love the rescue that we have in store for you this week! 

Do make sure you wave your paws hard when the BackStage Pass comes up for grabs, as your chance of winning this great prize depends on the spotlight catching you waving when it comes around, so make sure you get your paws in the air like you just don't care - it's well worth it, and you'll have a lot of fun! 

Got to go now and get ready for my trip in #RosiesLimo to the studio (yes, I know I'm headed straight to Fur and Make-up, but I don't want to get there looking scruffy, do I?). I've been in #RosiesLimo before when @BrendaBear1 was on #OTLFP, but going in it in my own right's really special! You can watch us all set off from around 8:30 pm UK time (3:30 pm EST), and the show begins at 9 pm UK time (4 pm EST). 

See you there! 

Friday, February 26, 2021

On The Crest Of A Wave

Calling all fans of #OTLFP - presenters @MillieOTLFP and @Pixie_Tooth are looking for applicants to be the BackStage Pass winner for upcoming shows! 

In case you're not familiar with the weekly show, or don't know how the process works, #OTLFP stands for Off The Leash Fur Pals, the Saturday production by anipals, for anipals and about anipals, and it's one of the big highlights of the week. Run by Millie and Pixie, it aims to interview one anipal a week (apart from the occasional well-earned night off), as well as promoting pet rescues and giving a mention to some less well-known anipals that you might like to follow. On each show, the lucky winner of the BackStage Pass gets a ride to the studio in #RosiesLimo (a pawesome experience not to be missed!) on the way to the Fur and Make-Up Department for some highly enjoyable pampering before eventually stepping in front of the cameras to put two questions to the interviewee. It's an exciting experience, and great fun, and best of all, all you have to do to qualify is to wave your paws when the audience is asked to so that the spotlight picks you out and you get your chance to win! 

Recently, not many pals have been waving for their opportunity to win this pawesome prize, and Millie and Pixie are at a loss to know why. There's been a lot of discussion about it this week, and no-one can work out quite why it's happening, but the main theories so far are that there are so many tweets going by on the hashtag so quickly that maybe not everyone is seeing the requests to wave, Twitter is clearly having problems getting all tweets to show up on all hashtags, so maybe the invitations aren't showing up on some screens, and previous BSP winners aren't applying again because they feel they've had their turn already and they don't want to seem greedy by applying again. I must admit that I've been guilty of that. I've been a BSP winner myself (and I can recommend it as terrific fun!), and haven't been waving because I thought it was only fair to keep my paws to myself and give other pals a chance of winning. 

Whatever the reason, it seems that not enough paws have been catching the spotlight, and if a much-loved segment of the show is to continue, more are needed. Millie and Pixie are very friendly and helpful as well as being totally professional hosts, and they'll help you through rehearsals and with anything you need. They're very experienced at handling guests' stage fright, and you can talk to them at any time on DM if you get stuck. I can promise you a great experience and lots of fun, so go on - tomorrow and every Saturday, just get your paws in the air like you just don't care! 

You'll be glad you did 😊

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Reservoir Cats

I have some exciting news, pals - if you haven’t yet read @SquirtTheCat’s pawesome book Reservoir Cats, you can download it free from today, November 17th, until the 21st! 

It’s a great read, and I can pawmise that you won’t be disappointed! I let Mama read my copy, & she laughed (and cried) and couldn’t put it down. 

Go ahead and treat yourself (or your humans!) at zero cost! You’ll love it 😊 

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Posing Like A Princess, Part 3

Now, where had I got to? Ah, yes - @Pixie_Tooth was about to ask me another question... 

Brenda, if you had a magic wand what would you change and what would you wish for? 

Brenda: I’d wish for people to try to understand each other better. There are few problems in the world that couldn’t be solved if we worked together instead of against each other, & think of the billions that could be spent on useful things, not weapons to kill each other with! 

That was the end of the official questions, but then Backstage Pass winner and new friend @tiffany_tzu stepped up ro the microphone with two more questions for me... 

Tiffany: Q1. #OTLFP Brenda, I am a lucky fur and have lots of toys and activities. I like my pandas and sudoku. What are your favourite hobbies? 

Brenda: I love playing with a mini soccer ball whose little owner kicked it down a steep path in the woods & his father wouldn’t go after it, so Mama rescued it, & we have hours of fun with it! Alfie & I play against each other with a chair for the goal, & Toffee referees πŸ˜‚⚽️  

Tiffany: My next question 

Q2. #OTLFP Brenda, when the inevitable film of your life is made, who will play you? 

Brenda: I saw Hannah Gordon in a rerun of a murder mystery recently, & I think she would be pawfect! Her fur’s a bit like mine in style & colour, & as well as being so pretty she has a lovely voice & comes across as a very likeable pawson. I’d be honoured if she’d play me!

That completed all the questions, and I could relax, but after that there was still a very impawtant part of the show to come - Millie’s Adopt-Don’t-Shop segment. The featured pet in need of a home is the beautiful @Mushroom251

Mushroom is a lurcher, and very quiet and laid-back (the staff of the shelter where she is at present actually describe her as lazy, but really, nobear would dream of being so rude! πŸ˜‚). What that really means is that she doesn’t need a lot of exercise, and would be ideal for someone who would enjoy her companionship but doesn’t want to have to walk miles every day. Mushroom’s in the Evesham area of Worcestershire, England. If you’re in that area and would like to check her out, please zoom in on the details in the picture, or check out her Twitter profile

Being a guest on #OTLFP was a very special experience (and if you ever get the chance, do take it!!), and being a Princess for a day was pawesome! I’m very grateful to everyfur who made my day so wonderful (not forgetting being asked to sign @TravelMonk2’s t-shirt, and @Wool_F_Gang’s belly, just like a real celebrity!), and who have taught me something very meaningful indeed - that when you have friends as kind and wonderful as mine you really ARE a Prince or Princess ALL the time. 

And now for the big finish, produced and directed by the super-talented @TravelMonk2 - the movie short, Let’s Get Excited!! 

Posing Like A Princess, Part 2

*giggles* If you’ve read the post immediately before this, you’ll be aware that, to put it politely, we’ve been having a few difficulties with the latest version of Blogger. Hopefully this one will be easier... 🀞🀞🀞🀞 

For anyone who hasn’t read the other one, I’m posting a transcript of the interview I was honoured to do for #OTLFP with @MillieOTLFP, @Pixie_Tooth and Backstage Pass Winner @tiffany_tzu on June 13, 2020. 

Millie: Wooo hoooo its show time!! Ooh lots of pals out there today. Thankyou all for coming and welcome to you all.
Sooooo Lets get started #OTLFP 
Welcome to the show Brenda @BrendaJBear1
Q1) Tell us about how you found your forever home, do you have a big hug? 

Brenda1/4 I joined the family when Mama went to a special shop where they build bears. She picked the framework, & they asked her to choose a little heart for me, give it a kiss & place it inside the frame she’d chosen. Then they filled me up with stuff to make me sturdy #OTLFP ‬

2/4 Then, there was a little ceremony where they asked her to promise to love me & look after me, & they promised on my behalf that I would always be a true & loyal bear to her. Then she gave me a hug & a kiss, & they gave me a birth certificate & let her bring me home #OTLFP

3/4 Alfie came to us at Christmas, after one of Santa’s elves found him, brand new & un-played-with, in a charity shop. He’s sweet-natured & very lovable, & lots of fun to be with, so some unappreciative human’s loss is our great gain! #OTLFP

4/4 One day I logged on to Twitter & found a DM from a little bear called Toffee, who’d borrowed @DCMonkey3’s account to ask if he could come & live with us! Of course we said yes & he soon arrived to be our other best pal. He’s the cutest little bear that you could meet! #OTLFP

Pixie: #OTLFP 
Brenda, I don't know anything about cricket or mountaineering but I can't wait to hear all about your adventures in both! 

Brenda1/4 I love watching cricket, & I’m part of the #cheerteam for #toddysteamcc . Our coach is the very talented @travelmonk2, who trains us & choreographs our cheer routine each week. The rest of the team are @babymonk13 & @DennisAndDoris1, & we all love being part of it! #OTLFP 

2/4 This is the 1st season #toddysteamcc has been in the big leagues, & so far they’ve enjoyed spectacular success. @CodsyBear & @bear_wellington are two of the biggest stars, though any of the team can attract the attention of a certain notorious female streaker bear!  #OTLFP 

3/4 Along with Alfie & Toffee, I’m very proud to be a member of the #mountaineeringbears adventure team trained by the pawesome @MunroBear at Bear Lodge. We recently received our graduation certificates & badges, & we’re thrilled to bits with them! #OTLFP 

4/4 @Wool_F_Gang was also on our #mountaineeringbears course. He’s a lot of fun to be with, & we had a snowball fight on the mountains! *giggles* Bear Lodge is a fabulous place, & there’s even a famous portrait of @MunroBear on show there! #OTLFP 

MillieQ3 Brenda @BrendaJBear1 #OTLFP  
Oooh you are a busy girl! How do you like to put your paws up? 

Brenda: 1/4 To relax, I enjoy hanging out with pals in the #FurryTails bar. #toddysteamcc & the #cheerteam often go there on Saturdays after the matches. It’s thirsty work playing cricket & cheering, so we’re all usually glad to have a drink or three. They do great meals, too! #OTLFP 

2/4 There are a lot of interesting events at #FurryTails , & one my favourites is the monthly Quiz Night. I’m in a team called #GlitterSquad with @TravelMonk2 , @babymonk13 , @DennisAndDoris1 & @Lucas_Schnauzer , & last time we were joint winners! #OTLFP 

3/4 Another interesting event at #FurryTails is #FurryBards , a monthly chance to share your poetry or listen to other pals read theirs. There’s generally a theme for the month, such as summer, or flowers, fashion, etc. This is one of my favourites, from @CodsyBear πŸ˜‚ #OTLFP 

4/4 One of the best #FurryBards I’ve seen yet was Haiku night - you know, the Japanese kind where you have 3 lines that don’t rhyme. The 1st & 3rd lines have 3 syllables & the middle one has 5. We really got into the swing of it, & we were all typing in Haiku for weeks! πŸ˜‚ #OTLFP 

And... guess what? Looks like Blogger’s had enough of this post, too! 

OK, OK... Part 3 looming after today’s virtual walk in Central Park. And food. And quite a lot of tea. And possibly much screaming... πŸ˜‚ 

P.S. Do you suppose it took Tolstoy this long to get War and Peace out there?