Happy Christmas, Hanukkah, or whatever you’re celebrating, to everyone, whoever and wherever you may be!

It’s after midnight, and after much negotiation I’ve at last been allowed to open my parcel instead of having to wait till after lunchtime, and just look at what I’ve found!! A furry playmate, just as I asked Santa for! And there’s a card, too, with a letter inside from Santa himself! I never thought he would write back to me, but he has - just wait till I read it to you!
“Dear Brenda,
Thank you for your letter. I’m sorry not to have replied before, but I’m sure you’ll understand how busy things are here at this time of year.
I see you want a furry friend for Christmas. I’m very glad to hear that, because I have a very special furry who would love to have a home where someone loves him.
He came here after he was given as a present to someone who, for some reason, didn’t want him. He is exactly as he came out of his box, with not a strand of fur out of place, and he’s never in his whole life had a cuddle.
He sat around for a while, hoping that someone would play with him, but no-one did. Eventually he was given to a charity shop, where one of my elves who was collecting letters for me found him, put some money on the counter of the shop, and brought him here. He’s very kind and thoughtful, and has been helping wrap up parcels and look after reindeer. When I asked him what he’d like for Christmas he was amazed, because no-one had ever asked him that before, but when he’d thought for a moment he said the thing he wanted most in the whole world was a family, and especially a sister to have fun and adventures with. I’d just read your letter, so of course I immediately thought of you.
I know you’ll be kind to him, and I very much hope you’ll like him. I know he will love you.
With much love, and best wishes for a very Happy Christmas and New Year,
Your friend,
Santa Claus.”
Well, he may not have had any cuddles before, but he’s making up for it now - he’s even being cuddled by the humans! Soon as they hand him back I’m going to have a long talk with him, and share my sweet mince pies with him, and we’re going to start planning lots of adventures.
I’m so glad I managed to get him out of that parcel!
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